Horton Hears a "ZZZZZZZ"
This isn't one of my normal quick movie commentaries.
See, I took the kids to "Horton Hears a Who" this evening.

I won't comment on the quality or the entertainment value of the film itself. I do have two things to say, however:
1) My kids reported that they liked it. My 6-year-old says it's the third best movie he's ever seen. (However, his judgment is a little suspect, as he says something like that about just about EVERY movie he's seen... though something must be said for being easy to please.)
2) I had a HELL of a good nap. Well worth the ten or eleven bucks it cost me.
So we're all happy. In fact, we'll probably pick it up when it comes out on video.
Because I'm looking forward to another nap like that.
I agree. It was OK. The kids liked it. I was hoping for it to be a little more Seusslike or Seussical, if you will. I don't really understand why they changed some of the narritive when the original is so brilliant. And since when is Jojo the mayor's son?! Anyway, I don't want to start a rant. The only Seuss movie worth watching is the first Grinch. And don't get me started on The Cat in the Hat!
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