My "Going To Prison" Newspaper Shot
Yeah, ok, it's been a long time. Clearly this job just doesn't pay enough.
However, I was stirred out of my lethargy to share with you a flash of the future.
As you know, usually I am amazingly photogenic. HOWEVER, today was the exception that proves the rule.
I ventured to my local Wal-Mart to have a new passport photo taken. My dear wife's dear sister is going to be married in a tropical location. Yay! (And by "Yay!", I mean, "WOO HOO MY WIFE AND I ARE GOING ON A MINI VACATION IN DECEMBER")
But I digress. Ah, yes, passport photo.
I knew there'd be a problem when she said, "Take off your glasses."
Take off my glasses? I didn't have to do that for the LAST passport photo! So immediately I'm off kilter. See, I like to downplay the resemblance to Homer Simpson.
She takes the photo. I don't smile. I TRY to look pleasant. It doesn't work. I look more like I'm trying to put a good face on a rectal exam.
You know how when somebody gets arrested they always manage to find a photo of the person that puts them in the worst possible light? Well, I think we've found a winner.
THIS is the photo they will use if I ever get arrested:

I can see the headlines now:
or something like that.
I just home I make it to Saint Lucia in December before it happens.
My passport photo looks makes me look like Saddam Hussein's older sister.
Please omit the first "looks" in my post above.....need more coffee......
That's ok... I'm compositionally challenged as well!
Why did they get you to remove your glasses? They were an Idiot! It is NOT a requirement anymore, nor are black and white photos.
Yeah, well, some people's kids I guess...
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