Friday, March 03, 2006

Sick-th Sense

Wednesday and Thursday, I had *one* sick kid.

By last night, that number zoomed up to *four*.

Today, the number is either three or four or two, depending on the time of day and who you ask.

But boy, let me tell you that an awful lot of normal life grinds down to a total halt when the family is plunged into the pit of illness. And suddenly the DVD player is the most important item in the house. (Hey, wait, it was *before* too...)

And I think my wife's starting to get it as well. But she's too stubborn to stay home sick. (Don't even *start* with the logic of a nurse going into work, even though she's fighting a cold or flu... nurses can be very stubborn)

No sickness for me yet. Thank the gods of alcohol hand wash for that. We have bottles scattered all over the house. And nobody has sneezed directly in my face yet. Or puked on me. Yet.

But time will tell.


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