Happy Feet, Happy Family
My wife and I took the three little kids to "Happy Feet" last night.

The first concern of the night, which turned out to the about the only one, was that it wasn't in 3D in the Imax theatre. We saw it in IMAX, and figured it was in 3D, since there had been 3D advertisements for the movie, which we saw at "Ant Bully" and "Open Season". It turns out, and I guess I missed this, that Warner Brothers announced back in September that the intended 3D release would only be in 2D after all. Though it may still come out later.
And let me say up front, that I had pretty much ZERO interest in seeing this movie. However, my wife was just the opposite... she *really* wanted to see it and take the kids. So off we went...
... and it was really good.
The kids totally got off on it. My five year old was dancing in the parking lot penguin style on the way from the theatre. My wife, who to my recollection over the last twenty-two years has given a movie no better a review than "that wasn't too bad", actually said that she loved it.
Visually it was wonderful to look at, the characters were funny and engaging, the singing and dancing was great... and there were several really significant themes that taught the kids some good lessons without hitting them over the head with them.
So who would have guessed it?
(Well, my wife I suppose... but not me!)
If you're looking for a few enjoyable hours at the movies... go get happy.
Good to know. We don't go to very many movies but your review might motivate me.
The best part of the movie was seeing the Harry Potter teaser!
I screamed.
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