Tuesday, January 09, 2007
About Me
- Name: Robin
- Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
I'm a father of five freakish but wonderful kids. My wife is too amazing to be married to me, but she is anyway. Read her blog here. I'm kinda geeky over comics, movies, computers, and occasionally other stuff, depending on how the wind is blowing. I'm *very* easily amused.
Previous Posts
- Sushi To Go
- That's Super, Boy!
- Rejoining the Quest for the Tower...
- Wii are the Champions
- Picture the Holidays...
- The Theory of Santa-tivity...
- The Amazing Growing Jack Bauer
- STOP! Motion, I mean.
- The Best Google Ever. Doc.
- Smashing my Windows

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
John Lennon
I'm sure you'll be able to find one on eBay
thank god your children hath saved you from that fate.
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