Pwned. Or pwnd. Pwn3d, even.
How many of you even know what it means? I suspect that some of you do. I also suspect that even more of you have no clue.
If you want, read Wikipedia's definition here. Which explains how a typo freakishly became its own word. It's actually kind of interesting reading. Sort of like, english in bizarro world.

Thus endeth today's quickie english lesson. Welcome to the new millennium.
Hm. You know, my wife and teenage daughter are still up. Maybe I can get one of them to play a game with me. I have a hankering to pwn someone.
With my luck I'd end up pwned myself.
Or pwnd. Pwn3d, even.
I never said "I totally pwned you!!" I always just say PWNED!!! The one word said loudly gets the message across of how your brains are splattered on the wall, and leaves more time for eating will you respawn. =^D
Everyone just nod and smile. really need to go back to work -- you're starting to ramble. ;)
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