Thursday, September 21, 2006

Get Your Brain Ready for This Post.... @r3 ¥0u R34d¥ ¥3t?

¥0u Kñ0w, $0m3t!m3$ ! w0ñd3r !f !'m ñ0t 4 l!ttl3 0btu$3. !'v3 $33ñ p30pl3 ©r34t!ñg $©r33ñ ñ4m3$ w!tH ñumb3r$ tH4t l00K l!K3 l3tt3r$, 4ñd $tuff l!K3 tH4t, but ! ñ3v3r r34l!z3d tH4t tH!$ ©r4z¥ w4¥ 0f t¥p!ñg 4©tu4ll¥ H4$ 4 ñ4m3.

!t'$ ©4ll3d H@x0R, 0r l33t$p3@K. H4x0r !t$3lf !$ 4 ©00l w4¥ 0f $4¥!ñg "H4©K3r".

!t'$ pr3tt¥ u$3ful f0r $w34r!ñg 0ñl!ñ3, w!tH0ut g3tt!ñg ©4ugHt b¥ $p3ll ©H3©K3r$ t00.

"bl4ñK3t¥ bl4ñK p00p¥ p00p p00p!" $33 wH4t ! m34ñ??

$0, $!ñ©3 ! d3v0t3d 0ñ3 bl0g p0$t t0 t¥p!ñg !ñ j!v3, ! tH0ugHt ! b3tt3r g!v3 H4x0r 3qu4l b!ll!ñg. @ñd ñ0, ! d!dñ't 4©tu4ll¥ t4K3 tH3 t!m3 t0 t¥p3 4ll 0f tH!$ 0ut m3t!©ul0u$l¥ !ñ H4x0r ©H4r4©t3r$. ! ju$t u$3d 4 tr4ñ$l4t0r 4t 0ñl!ñ3©0ñv3r$!0ñ.©0m.

p4rt¥ 0ñ, dud3!

If you're having brain problems, here's what I said in boring old english:
You know, sometimes I wonder if I'm not a little obtuse. I've seen people creating screen names with numbers that look like letters, and stuff like that, but I never realized that this crazy way of typing actually has a name.

It's called HAXOR, or LEETSPEAK. Haxor itself is a cool way of saying "hacker".

It's pretty useful for swearing online, without getting caught by spell checkers too.

"Blankety blank poopy poop poop!" See what I mean?

So, since I devoted one blog post to typing in jive, I thought I better give Haxor equal billing. (And no, I didn't actually take the time to type all of this out meticulously in Haxor characters. I just used a translator at

Party on, dude!


At 6:54 AM, Blogger caramaena said...

dud3! ¥0u 4r3 l!K3, $0 t0t4ll¥ 4w3$0m3 f0r f!ñd!ñg tH!$ l!ñK. ¥0u r0x0r!

At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch. My brain.


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