I Scan't Believe It
Please forgive the worst blog post title ever. Not too many titles I can use the word 'scan' in, and make it sound remotely witty.
See, I just got a new scanner. Oh, and I found out at Staples that people pretty much never buy scanners any more. So, even technologically, I'm a dinosaur.
But wait, my new scanner rocks. The old one was sooooooooooooooo slooooooooooowwwwwww. I would put a picture on, click the button, then go for coffee. Then drink it, watch some tv, get more coffee, drink it, take a nap, check the scanner, discover that it's at 21%, go do more stuff.
Get the point?
Now, I can flip five pictures on it, click 'multi-scan', and it scans them all separately without any input from me. In like, ten seconds.
All of a sudden I want to scan stuff.
Which is good, since I claimed a box full of clippings and pictures that were my grandmother's from my parents months and months ago. I could never bring myself to face the torture of scanning all of it. Now, I look forward to it!
Here's a picture I scanned tonight as a test.

We old married couples don't get many pictures taken. Especially ones that we *like*. The photographer must have caught us off guard.
Anyway, must go now. Need to sort through clippings.
awww what a sweet photo :)
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